Monday 13 July 2020

When Should You Get a Hair Transplant?

Many would say that a hair transplant is a good answer to hair loss problems. This might be true, however, before you dive into the surgery there are other things that you should consider first. So when do you think you ought to get a hair transplant?

Hair transplant isn't something that you choose lightly. This is not like having a weave sewn into your hair or choosing the proper toupee. Having a hair transplant is an invasive procedure and it deals with a really limited amount of resource (your hair) so you've got to think about it after deliberating on it thoroughly

Because this condition is caused by a variety of things like medications, lifestyle, pre-existing conditions (thyroid problems), stress, and hormonal changes, there are also different sorts of treatments available.

If you're taking new or maintenance medications you'll want to consult your doctor about this because one among its side effects could lead to baldness. Don’t stop any maintenance medication by yourself and without further consultation from your physician because this might result in more serious problems.

Your lifestyle could also contribute to hair loss, especially if you're constantly under the barrage of stress. It is also called stress alopecia and may easily be relieved by actually staying away from the stress. For any pre-existing conditions that are causing your baldness, you would like to attend to the first problem before it is resolved.

However, there's also that kind of hair loss that's caused by DHT or dihydrotestosterone. It starts when the hormone testosterone, which is present in both males and females (smaller amounts in the latter), is becoming DHT by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. When DHT comes in contact with your hair follicles this is often when the bad news starts. DHT can shrink and thin your hair until it sheds and the sites permanently unable to provide any length hair. This phenomenon is what you refer to as female or male pattern baldness.

This type, however, are often relieved medications like Propecia or Rogaine. These are brands that have proven it to offer effective results however you ought to take it continuously to stop it from happening again. Some do the comb-over to hide the balding area, but oftentimes with the poor aesthetic outcome. Others choose hair pieces like wigs or hair weaves and extensions.

Hair transplant is a good last resort; however, you must also consider the fact that it's invasive and costly. Doctors would also suggest that your hair loss should first be stabilized by medications before going ahead with the surgery. They also want to make sure that the method has reached its course.

If you're a teenager experiencing hair loss, hair doctor would suggest that you wait until your late twenties because the condition might still progress. As mentioned earlier you only have very limited resources and prematurely having one will only lessen your donor grafts should you need another procedure afterward.

Think it through thoroughly before you finally dive head first into hair transplant surgery. The results are going to be astounding if you initially consider all precautions first.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. They provide hair solution for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment at Hair Transplant in Jayanagar.

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