Wednesday 29 July 2020

5 Most Common Causes of Female Hair Loss

If you're one of those women, you'll re-grow your dull, brittle hair with the help of an incredible hair restoration procedure in PRP for Hair in Bangalore. But, it's better if you understand the root causes of hair loss. If you're able to understand the reasons, you'll make the right decision about treating your hair.

Here, we'll discuss five big factors that are responsible for hair loss in most women. However, many common reasons are responsible for severe hair loss in both men and women but the causes we are talking about bring hair problems in women.

Read and beware if you've got any of these causes!

1. Improper Hair Care:

You have to agree that before you plan for hair care, you want to know what a proper way to treat your hair is. You wear a lot of hairstyles but probably don't know that tight hairstyles keep your hair pressurized for hours. You apply a lot of hair products without thinking which of those products is useful for hair or not. Probably you do not know that your shampoo or hair color may cause hair loss also. If you're facing hair problems, ask your doctor or hair experts to find out what's harming your hair.

2. Anemia:

Anemia is a serious disease that's caused because of a low intake of iron. Women are more prone to anemia because of the heavy menstruation cycle. The second for anemia is inadequate folic acid in the body. It all means the low supply of oxygen to your hair follicles because of the low production of hemoglobin. At last, your hairs start to fall.

3. Pregnancy:

Several women lose hair just after the delivery. During pregnancy, estrogen hormone is on its high levels but after the delivery, the level of the hormone is normalized. This fall of the hormone level may lead to the beginning of sudden hair fall. However, this phase is considered to be a temporary stage for experts.

4. Menopause:

When a woman reaches the age of menopause, she may face a lot of changes in the body and severe hair loss is one of these changes. The low level of estrogen hormone in the body is a cause of hair loss at this stage. The symptoms are minimized with proper care or advice from the experts.

5. Extreme Weight Loss:

Most of the women prefer to have a slim body and a few of them try to follow a decent diet plan for this aim. They probably don't know that strict diet plans may cause a nutrient deficiency in the body. In fact, a diet plan can cause sudden and drastic weight loss that affects your hair health badly.

Now if you think you have some of these reasons, consult your doctors soon to bring a change in your thinking about your hairs. If you are feeling, conditions are out of control, you may apply PRP hair treatment on your hair and after that, you're about to have amazing results certainly. For PRP treatment, visit our clinic or website at Best Hair Transplant Bangalore.

Friday 24 July 2020

Recover Your Lost Hair by Using Hair Transplants

Some people welcome baldness, but some others hate it very much. Baldness is also known as alopecia, baldness is an abnormal situation in which the amount of hair that falls from the head is much larger than the amount of hair that grows. In normal conditions, around 70 to 100 hair strands fall from everyone's head every day. Those falling strands will then immediately get replaced by newly growing young hair. If the number of hair strands that fall exceeds that normal range; baldness will be very likely to occur. On men, baldness means a gradual loss of hair which will end in the total disappearance of their entire hair. On women, the problem is less severe because it only causes thinning and not a total loss.

The hair loss problem is solvable. There are many treatments and remedies which will be used to deal with this problem. For gentlemen who expect the fastest hair loss recovery, hair transplants for men is a good option. For people who prefer to get their hair restored safely, although slowly, there's a large selection of natural and artificial remedies that they can use. However, because hair transplants can provide a fast and effective solution for hair loss problems, many men prefer using this method once they are handling their baldness, although they need to spend a relatively large amount of money to afford it.

Hair transplants for men have been developed since the late 1950s. This surgery involves the removal of small tufts of hair containing active follicles from certain healthy parts of the head, usually, it's back. Those tufts will then be transplanted on areas where balding occurs. Although the results of this treatment cannot perfectly resemble hair that grows naturally on your head, many of us who undergo this treatment are quite satisfied with the result that it gives to them because after undergoing it, they no more need to wear hairpieces or wigs to hide their bald head and since when their hair becomes full, there's almost no difference between the transplanted hair tufts and therefore the natural ones.

Remember that although you'll use natural remedies to overcome your baldness, you've got to wait for a relatively long period of your time before you'll reap the result. Unfortunately, waiting isn't always a convenient thing to do, especially if you have to lose your self-confidence during your waiting period. Therefore, use hair transplants for men to cure your baldness if you've got enough budgets to afford ones.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. They provide hair solution for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment at Hair Transplant in Jayanagar.

Monday 20 July 2020

Hair Transplant Treatment Can Change Your Life

Baldness is a huge problem for many people, but they should not get disappointed because they will get hair back on their heads. The effects of hair transplantation treatment will have a huge effect on your life. Therefore, you would like to think about all the points properly and will stand back from reaching any decision instantly.

Here are some important questions you would like to answer before undergoing transplant surgery.

Do you look after Your Hair?

You should consider taking some measures if your hair is falling at a high speed to resolve the difficulty. If an individual is too anxious and thinks a lot about his hair loss then he won't be ready to specialize in other important issues and his level of stress will increase drastically.

You can’t consider Your Work?

Men become paranoid if they're conscious excessively about their hair loss and the way it's negatively impacting their appearance. Men who face baldness think that they are inferior to others or people are making fun of them. Although, this is often not true, but still you would like to take necessary steps if you're hair loss problem is making you are feeling anxious or inferior.

Do You Face Difficulty In Social Circles?

People who are dealing with the problem of baldness are often quite concerned and low in confidence whenever they went outside to fulfill family, friends, or attend a party. Many bald people can't enjoy their lives fully because they're overanxious because of baldness. Many times, bald men fail to own conversation with the other gender due to their baldness.

Do you stand in Front Of Mirror to see Your Level of Baldness?

Of course, baldness is such a problem that forces the affected person to face in front of the mirror checking their level of baldness. It has a highly negative psychological effect on the human being. Will you have the same question as you do? Then, it is the right time to choose a hair transplant.

Do You Find It Difficult to talk With Females?

This is no doubt one of the most common problems faced by bald people or those who are getting bald. Every man wants to seem good, especially when women are around. Baldness is such a problem that makes individuals conscious about their looks. However, with hair transplant treatment, you'll change things by putting an end to your baldness.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. They provide hair solution for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment at Hair Transplant in Jayanagar.

Monday 13 July 2020

When Should You Get a Hair Transplant?

Many would say that a hair transplant is a good answer to hair loss problems. This might be true, however, before you dive into the surgery there are other things that you should consider first. So when do you think you ought to get a hair transplant?

Hair transplant isn't something that you choose lightly. This is not like having a weave sewn into your hair or choosing the proper toupee. Having a hair transplant is an invasive procedure and it deals with a really limited amount of resource (your hair) so you've got to think about it after deliberating on it thoroughly

Because this condition is caused by a variety of things like medications, lifestyle, pre-existing conditions (thyroid problems), stress, and hormonal changes, there are also different sorts of treatments available.

If you're taking new or maintenance medications you'll want to consult your doctor about this because one among its side effects could lead to baldness. Don’t stop any maintenance medication by yourself and without further consultation from your physician because this might result in more serious problems.

Your lifestyle could also contribute to hair loss, especially if you're constantly under the barrage of stress. It is also called stress alopecia and may easily be relieved by actually staying away from the stress. For any pre-existing conditions that are causing your baldness, you would like to attend to the first problem before it is resolved.

However, there's also that kind of hair loss that's caused by DHT or dihydrotestosterone. It starts when the hormone testosterone, which is present in both males and females (smaller amounts in the latter), is becoming DHT by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. When DHT comes in contact with your hair follicles this is often when the bad news starts. DHT can shrink and thin your hair until it sheds and the sites permanently unable to provide any length hair. This phenomenon is what you refer to as female or male pattern baldness.

This type, however, are often relieved medications like Propecia or Rogaine. These are brands that have proven it to offer effective results however you ought to take it continuously to stop it from happening again. Some do the comb-over to hide the balding area, but oftentimes with the poor aesthetic outcome. Others choose hair pieces like wigs or hair weaves and extensions.

Hair transplant is a good last resort; however, you must also consider the fact that it's invasive and costly. Doctors would also suggest that your hair loss should first be stabilized by medications before going ahead with the surgery. They also want to make sure that the method has reached its course.

If you're a teenager experiencing hair loss, hair doctor would suggest that you wait until your late twenties because the condition might still progress. As mentioned earlier you only have very limited resources and prematurely having one will only lessen your donor grafts should you need another procedure afterward.

Think it through thoroughly before you finally dive head first into hair transplant surgery. The results are going to be astounding if you initially consider all precautions first.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. They provide hair solution for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment at Hair Transplant in Jayanagar.