Wednesday 29 July 2020

5 Most Common Causes of Female Hair Loss

If you're one of those women, you'll re-grow your dull, brittle hair with the help of an incredible hair restoration procedure in PRP for Hair in Bangalore. But, it's better if you understand the root causes of hair loss. If you're able to understand the reasons, you'll make the right decision about treating your hair.

Here, we'll discuss five big factors that are responsible for hair loss in most women. However, many common reasons are responsible for severe hair loss in both men and women but the causes we are talking about bring hair problems in women.

Read and beware if you've got any of these causes!

1. Improper Hair Care:

You have to agree that before you plan for hair care, you want to know what a proper way to treat your hair is. You wear a lot of hairstyles but probably don't know that tight hairstyles keep your hair pressurized for hours. You apply a lot of hair products without thinking which of those products is useful for hair or not. Probably you do not know that your shampoo or hair color may cause hair loss also. If you're facing hair problems, ask your doctor or hair experts to find out what's harming your hair.

2. Anemia:

Anemia is a serious disease that's caused because of a low intake of iron. Women are more prone to anemia because of the heavy menstruation cycle. The second for anemia is inadequate folic acid in the body. It all means the low supply of oxygen to your hair follicles because of the low production of hemoglobin. At last, your hairs start to fall.

3. Pregnancy:

Several women lose hair just after the delivery. During pregnancy, estrogen hormone is on its high levels but after the delivery, the level of the hormone is normalized. This fall of the hormone level may lead to the beginning of sudden hair fall. However, this phase is considered to be a temporary stage for experts.

4. Menopause:

When a woman reaches the age of menopause, she may face a lot of changes in the body and severe hair loss is one of these changes. The low level of estrogen hormone in the body is a cause of hair loss at this stage. The symptoms are minimized with proper care or advice from the experts.

5. Extreme Weight Loss:

Most of the women prefer to have a slim body and a few of them try to follow a decent diet plan for this aim. They probably don't know that strict diet plans may cause a nutrient deficiency in the body. In fact, a diet plan can cause sudden and drastic weight loss that affects your hair health badly.

Now if you think you have some of these reasons, consult your doctors soon to bring a change in your thinking about your hairs. If you are feeling, conditions are out of control, you may apply PRP hair treatment on your hair and after that, you're about to have amazing results certainly. For PRP treatment, visit our clinic or website at Best Hair Transplant Bangalore.

Friday 24 July 2020

Recover Your Lost Hair by Using Hair Transplants

Some people welcome baldness, but some others hate it very much. Baldness is also known as alopecia, baldness is an abnormal situation in which the amount of hair that falls from the head is much larger than the amount of hair that grows. In normal conditions, around 70 to 100 hair strands fall from everyone's head every day. Those falling strands will then immediately get replaced by newly growing young hair. If the number of hair strands that fall exceeds that normal range; baldness will be very likely to occur. On men, baldness means a gradual loss of hair which will end in the total disappearance of their entire hair. On women, the problem is less severe because it only causes thinning and not a total loss.

The hair loss problem is solvable. There are many treatments and remedies which will be used to deal with this problem. For gentlemen who expect the fastest hair loss recovery, hair transplants for men is a good option. For people who prefer to get their hair restored safely, although slowly, there's a large selection of natural and artificial remedies that they can use. However, because hair transplants can provide a fast and effective solution for hair loss problems, many men prefer using this method once they are handling their baldness, although they need to spend a relatively large amount of money to afford it.

Hair transplants for men have been developed since the late 1950s. This surgery involves the removal of small tufts of hair containing active follicles from certain healthy parts of the head, usually, it's back. Those tufts will then be transplanted on areas where balding occurs. Although the results of this treatment cannot perfectly resemble hair that grows naturally on your head, many of us who undergo this treatment are quite satisfied with the result that it gives to them because after undergoing it, they no more need to wear hairpieces or wigs to hide their bald head and since when their hair becomes full, there's almost no difference between the transplanted hair tufts and therefore the natural ones.

Remember that although you'll use natural remedies to overcome your baldness, you've got to wait for a relatively long period of your time before you'll reap the result. Unfortunately, waiting isn't always a convenient thing to do, especially if you have to lose your self-confidence during your waiting period. Therefore, use hair transplants for men to cure your baldness if you've got enough budgets to afford ones.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. They provide hair solution for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment at Hair Transplant in Jayanagar.

Monday 20 July 2020

Hair Transplant Treatment Can Change Your Life

Baldness is a huge problem for many people, but they should not get disappointed because they will get hair back on their heads. The effects of hair transplantation treatment will have a huge effect on your life. Therefore, you would like to think about all the points properly and will stand back from reaching any decision instantly.

Here are some important questions you would like to answer before undergoing transplant surgery.

Do you look after Your Hair?

You should consider taking some measures if your hair is falling at a high speed to resolve the difficulty. If an individual is too anxious and thinks a lot about his hair loss then he won't be ready to specialize in other important issues and his level of stress will increase drastically.

You can’t consider Your Work?

Men become paranoid if they're conscious excessively about their hair loss and the way it's negatively impacting their appearance. Men who face baldness think that they are inferior to others or people are making fun of them. Although, this is often not true, but still you would like to take necessary steps if you're hair loss problem is making you are feeling anxious or inferior.

Do You Face Difficulty In Social Circles?

People who are dealing with the problem of baldness are often quite concerned and low in confidence whenever they went outside to fulfill family, friends, or attend a party. Many bald people can't enjoy their lives fully because they're overanxious because of baldness. Many times, bald men fail to own conversation with the other gender due to their baldness.

Do you stand in Front Of Mirror to see Your Level of Baldness?

Of course, baldness is such a problem that forces the affected person to face in front of the mirror checking their level of baldness. It has a highly negative psychological effect on the human being. Will you have the same question as you do? Then, it is the right time to choose a hair transplant.

Do You Find It Difficult to talk With Females?

This is no doubt one of the most common problems faced by bald people or those who are getting bald. Every man wants to seem good, especially when women are around. Baldness is such a problem that makes individuals conscious about their looks. However, with hair transplant treatment, you'll change things by putting an end to your baldness.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. They provide hair solution for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment at Hair Transplant in Jayanagar.

Monday 13 July 2020

When Should You Get a Hair Transplant?

Many would say that a hair transplant is a good answer to hair loss problems. This might be true, however, before you dive into the surgery there are other things that you should consider first. So when do you think you ought to get a hair transplant?

Hair transplant isn't something that you choose lightly. This is not like having a weave sewn into your hair or choosing the proper toupee. Having a hair transplant is an invasive procedure and it deals with a really limited amount of resource (your hair) so you've got to think about it after deliberating on it thoroughly

Because this condition is caused by a variety of things like medications, lifestyle, pre-existing conditions (thyroid problems), stress, and hormonal changes, there are also different sorts of treatments available.

If you're taking new or maintenance medications you'll want to consult your doctor about this because one among its side effects could lead to baldness. Don’t stop any maintenance medication by yourself and without further consultation from your physician because this might result in more serious problems.

Your lifestyle could also contribute to hair loss, especially if you're constantly under the barrage of stress. It is also called stress alopecia and may easily be relieved by actually staying away from the stress. For any pre-existing conditions that are causing your baldness, you would like to attend to the first problem before it is resolved.

However, there's also that kind of hair loss that's caused by DHT or dihydrotestosterone. It starts when the hormone testosterone, which is present in both males and females (smaller amounts in the latter), is becoming DHT by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. When DHT comes in contact with your hair follicles this is often when the bad news starts. DHT can shrink and thin your hair until it sheds and the sites permanently unable to provide any length hair. This phenomenon is what you refer to as female or male pattern baldness.

This type, however, are often relieved medications like Propecia or Rogaine. These are brands that have proven it to offer effective results however you ought to take it continuously to stop it from happening again. Some do the comb-over to hide the balding area, but oftentimes with the poor aesthetic outcome. Others choose hair pieces like wigs or hair weaves and extensions.

Hair transplant is a good last resort; however, you must also consider the fact that it's invasive and costly. Doctors would also suggest that your hair loss should first be stabilized by medications before going ahead with the surgery. They also want to make sure that the method has reached its course.

If you're a teenager experiencing hair loss, hair doctor would suggest that you wait until your late twenties because the condition might still progress. As mentioned earlier you only have very limited resources and prematurely having one will only lessen your donor grafts should you need another procedure afterward.

Think it through thoroughly before you finally dive head first into hair transplant surgery. The results are going to be astounding if you initially consider all precautions first.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. They provide hair solution for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment at Hair Transplant in Jayanagar.

Friday 26 June 2020

What Are the Options of Hair Loss Treatment for Men?

Men who are losing their hair are trying to find ways and methods to replace them, although it's considered a fashion to be bald. Treatment may succeed for one person, but not for others. However, there are various treatments available and it's important that you will be ready to find the treatment that ought to work for you. There are several kinds of hair loss treatments for men.

First, there are the topical solutions in which all you've got to do is to rub or apply the solution on the area which is bald to promote hair re-growth. Minoxidil is known by different trade names. This is often directly applied on the scalp. This works by slowing down hair loss and promote the growth of hair in some men but not in all men. Finasteride is also another choice for hair loss treatment and this is an oral medication that effects and promoting the growth of hair as well.

One should understand that the results are observed only when the product is used regularly. Many questions arise on whether the products are effective but it should be realized that the products are only effective when they are used continually. Other options for treating it are the surgical methods. Generally, they're a sort of plastic surgery. You’ll choose the hair transplant surgery wherein the individual hairs are taken from the various areas of the head and they are replanted on the affected areas. Scalp reduction is another method of taking a small part of the world of the head that's affected. These are often effective for men but are usually expensive.

The causes of hair loss in women vary and because of this reason, there's a need to seek out the specific treatment for a selected case to properly address the problem. Among the many reasons for women why they lose their hair are hormone production, medical conditions, thyroid disorders, and autoimmune diseases. Women would lose hair if the body is producing more testosterone than usual. The causes of why women experience hair loss are not the same as the causes of hair thinning occurring in men. This type of condition can affect women at any age, but in men, this occurs as they get older. The hair loss in women is also different because it can affect the entire part of the head while in men, it mostly happens in the areas just like the top of the head and the temples as well.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the best Hair Loss Treatment Bangalore. They provide hair solutions for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment at Best Hair Transplant Bangalore.

Thursday 18 June 2020

Methods Used By Hair Transplant Doctors

There are real differences between local hair transplant doctors. While all strives to provide his or her patients with opportunities for improved appearance and other benefits, there are different procedures that different practitioners use. Patients ought to be a candidate for either one, and it's important to set up an initial consultation to find out more about which option will work best.

Strip Harvesting

The most common technique that hair transplant doctors tent to use is strip harvesting. Here an incision is made and a strip of tissue is removed then split up into smaller pieces. These are then placed into a new location to make regrowth. Usually, a patient gives up some of this tissue at the back of his head or on either side of the scalp. The final results tend to seem fairly natural and both men and women have found this to be a good option. The downside is the fact that there's some scarring left in the area where the tissue was removed. Ideally, the scars won't be prominent hair transplant doctors do all that they can to form the area as inconspicuous as possible.

Follicular Unit Extraction

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) involves taking individual follicles and removing them. They’re then placed back to the scalp in a new location that's seeing real signs of thinning. This will often be done with just an area anesthetic. The scarring is minimal as small punches are made into the skin to get rid of the follicle. This is often much smaller than strip harvesting surgery. On the surface, when explained by one of the hair transplant doctors, it seems obvious that this is the better choice of the two procedures.

However, some things require to be taken into consideration. Not all patients are eligible for FUE. A physician will go over a set of criteria to make sure that an individual is eligible. From there, the process is explained in more detail. While there's less scarring, it tends to take much longer than strip harvesting. It could take several appointments, all a few hours long to get through the process. Cost also tends to be quite the strip harvesting method.

So which one is right for you? If you're considering making a change and you are not sure about which of the procedures will offer you the best results, ensure that you ask one of your local hair transplant doctors. You would like to get more information about your specific situation, get an idea of how much the procedure will cost, and how much time and money you'll be required to invest in this change. Once you have all of the data, don't be afraid to seek out a second opinion, just to make sure you're making the right decision.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center provides the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. Here you will get advanced hair treatment and get the top hair transplant surgeon for hair transplant surgery and consultation for hair growth treatment. Book an appointment for the best hair treatment at Hair Transplant JP Nagar.

Friday 12 June 2020

Why Bangalore Is the Best Destination for Hair a Transplant?

When you are considering getting a hair transplant surgery to your baldness, one of the first things that might come to your mind, is the staggering cost of the procedure.

It isn't a secret that hair transplant is not an inexpensive procedure and that is because of the diligence needed for the procedure and the vast experience of the surgeons (of reputed clinics). Especially, the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method is costlier than the conventional strip method (the one that needs stitches). FUE is virtually an easy method and the success rate of this procedure along with its benefits makes it the first choice of individuals who want to regain their lost hair.

India is a favorite destination for tourists from across the world for varied reasons. One of the most prominent reasons is that the outstanding medical facilities available here. Medical tourists across the globe, rate India as one of the best medical tourism destinations for various reasons. India has top-class doctors / surgeons; excellent medical facilities, good hospitality, and above all, there's no hole in your pockets in the treatments/surgeries here.

From among the big range of medical treatments sought in India, hair transplant is the most well-liked one. The reason behind it's the shocking difference in prices. The cost of this procedure in India is way lower and the treatment quality much better as compared to many other parts of the globe. For instance, in the U.S.A and Europe, the procedure would normally cost anything between 5000 to 9000 US Dollars. Whereas, the cost in India starts from Rs. 40000/-, which is about 650 US Dollars!

Due to such a high cost of the FUE procedure across the world, many thousands of medical tourists visit India to get their lost youth and beauty restored.

The most important factor that you should seek for while checking out the best hair care clinic in India is the training and credentials of the resident/practicing surgeon. At reputed clinics in India, you'll find all types of ultra-modern medical equipment, latest techniques like FUE, FUT & hair Transplant. Doctors and surgeons at these clinics earned many international awards and are highly trained, knowledgeable, and skilled.

So, once you take that rejuvenating trip to India for a hair restoration procedure, rest assured, India has many excellent hair transplant clinics with world-class surgeons who can offer you back what nature took away and that is without pain to your scalp and your pocket.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. They provide hair solution for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment at FUE Hair Transplant Center Bangalore.

Monday 8 June 2020

Hair Loss Problem? Why Not Consider PRP Treatment

Mild loss of hair is not a problem but at severe stages, it may give you stressful days and nights. Hair fall is the result of multiple factors, such as stress, sickness, bad diet, hormones, medications, stressful circumstances, etc. Generally, the patients may detect the main reasons that are responsible for the issues. On the other hand, some of the patients are irritated but cannot find the exact cause.

Alternative Treatments

You are going to waste your time if you're trying some hair products for your hair loss problems. There are a lot of hairs products like gels, creams, ointments, oils, pills but these products aren't getting to be effective for you. In the treatment process of hair fall, it's necessary to understand the exact reason that's responsible for hair fall. All the products are useless if you're using them without knowing the root cause.

Do You Need An Expert Advice?

Certainly! You would like an expert to detect the most problems that are causing hair loss. Like other medical conditions of the body, hair loss shows that sometimes it is wrong with the body, hair, or scalp. It means a medical doctor should treat you if you've got any issue with your hair.

What is PRP?

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is an incredibly advanced hair loss treatment. The procedure is carried out by specialists trained in PRP. During this procedure, your blood is drawn from your body and processed in a centrifuge for separating plasma from other parts of the blood. Platelet Rich Plasma is then injected into the scalp by a certain process. Need to know more about PRP then visit PRP for Hair in Bangalore.

How is it Effective for Hair Loss?

PRP hair treatment is effective for people who haven't developed bald patches and their hair roots are alive. Treatment for PRP hair is known to rejuvenate the hair roots. It is believed that certain PRP growth factors promote hair growth to make the hair stronger and denser again. If you have lost the shine of your hair and are tired of using many various treatments, you'll use it once to look at the miraculous effects. If your hair roots on your scalp recover, PRP is a great help for the extreme conditions.

Advantages of PRP

PRP is very beneficial for all men and women who suffer severe hair loss. Moreover, PRP therapy promotes the healing process of the hair by improving the hair growth cycle. Platelet Rich Plasma is a totally non-surgical operation, without any side effects. Any harmful effects aren't observed when the treatment is performed by a licensed, skilled, and experienced doctor. Many of the patients observe wonderful results in only one session while some patients need more than one session to be completely healed.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. They provide hair solution for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment.

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Hair Transplant - Understanding the Pros and Cons

Over the last few years, hair transplant procedures have produced such dramatic results those individuals are choosing to do them with greater frequency. Many of us feared to get the procedures in the past because they weren't well done. It was not uncommon to ascertain obvious hair plugs on people that had undergone the procedure. Yet, there are still some things about the method that aren't widely known. Hopefully, these answers to these questions will assist you to weigh the pros and cons of hair transplantation.

How common is Hair Loss? Half of all American men will experience significant hair thinning. Unfortunately, females aren't spared. Many women notice significant hair loss as they are going through the menopausal change.

Are Hair Transplants Reversible? Some people believe that these surgical procedures are as easily reversed as removing a wig but this is often not true. Keep in mind, many surgical procedures are necessary. Your head and hair will never look precisely the same.

How long does it take to recover after the procedure? A typical hair transplant surgery is very easy for the patient. However, this doesn't mean that you should get right back to your normal routine. Remember the scalp is a sensitive area and care must be taken to stay it from getting infected.

How long before I'm done with the entire process? It’s not uncommon for the entire process to require as long as one to two years. This represents a large investment of your time and you should prepare yourself appropriately. If you would like to hurry things up you'll choose a mega session. During a mega session, thousands of grafts are added in one sitting.

What if I do not have a lot of hair to start with? Along with hair transplant surgery, you'll need to have other treatments so if you do not have enough hair, you can't undergo the normal treatment. Other surgeries will help produce a similar result which will be used in conjunction. Of course, these procedures are usually much more painful.

Ok...How much is this about to cost me? Hair transplant treatments aren't cheap. The price depends on the procedures you select to have and therefore the clinic you choose. It’s not uncommon to pay 30,000 for a hair transplant. If this price is too steep you'll want to undertake other methods to grow back your hair first. Stick to hair regrows products that contain ingredients evaluated by the FDA.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. They provide hair solutions for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment at Hair Transplant in Jayanagar.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Male Pattern Baldness and its Causes

Male pattern baldness is maybe one of the greatest problems faced by men who are already in the advanced aging process. According to some research, age isn't a big factor that causes male pattern baldness because several cases involved younger individuals. However, this condition is very evident among men aged sixty and up.

It is said that the quantity of androgen in the body features a lot to do with male pattern baldness. This hormone is responsible for the normal development of men. Researchers agree that hormones aren't only the most reason for the condition. Certain conditions cause male pattern baldness like metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, high vital sign, prostate cancer, and heart diseases. Androgen directly affects the lower levels of fertility and hair loss among men.

DHT or dihydrotestosterone is considered an androgen and at a similar time a potent testosterone form. When the body converts testosterone, DHT is made. An enzyme helps in the conversion of testosterone and that is termed 5-alpha reductase. Androgen, testosterone, and also the enzyme are directly related to one another and together they cause hair loss. By using products called DHT inhibitors, hair loss, or male pattern baldness are often prevented. These products address the root cause of male pattern baldness but you ought to be warned that the consequences of those products aren't the same throughout. It going to work for a few individuals but won't be as effective for others.

Male pattern baldness is also believed to be genetic in nature. You’ll easily tell if you've got male pattern baldness if you experience crown baldness, bald patches, and worst, overall baldness. There are a lot of treatments and hair loss products available within the market today. However, by determining the important cause of male pattern baldness, your doctor can prescribe the right treatment suited to your condition.

If either side of the family has histories of male pattern baldness, there's a greater chance for male members to possess the condition. There is no known cure for male pattern baldness so if you are not comfortable seeing your hair disappear, you'll use pills, topical treatments, and even undergo surgery to re-grow your hair.

The causes of male baldness appear to be genetics, hormones and lifestyle. Well, whatever the cause is, you must be able to deal with things. Male pattern baldness should be accepted by the individual because it’s there to remain. Even if you try using hair loss products, time will come when the consequences of male pattern baldness will become visible to people. Therefore the best way is to live together with your condition and never lose your self-worth. If you are feeling good about yourself despite your baldness, people will feel the same way.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. They provide hair solution for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment at Hair Transplant in Jayanagar.

Thursday 21 May 2020

Identifying the Best Hair Loss Treatment for You

Hair loss has become a really common and widespread issue. As a result, the amount of hair loss treatment s that is available in the market is increasing day by day. Several different types of hair loss treatments are being sold in the market and being prescribed by medical practitioners also. To identify which hair loss treatment will suit you best, you would like to find out as much about the procedures and products as you'll before you begin off with the treatment.

Before you start the therapeutic course, ensure whether the treatment will produce desirable results. Determine possible side effects, if any. Ask people who have previously used this method of treatment about their experience. Customer feedback is a vital source of data for the efficacy of any product or treatment method. Ensure that the treatment won't cause a sheer waste of your time and money, and leave you faraway from satisfied.

The side effects which may be involved in any hair loss treatment must be properly understood. What may convince be highly beneficial for your friend, might not suit you at all? Every person has different skin and scalp sensitivities and tolerance levels. You’ll be allergic to some chemicals or natural ingredients also. To thwart further harm to your already damaged hair and scalp, make sure to thoroughly understand the ingredients used in the treatment you've got chosen and find out if you've got hypersensitivity to any of these.

Hair growth and quality of hair on the scalps of men and women aren't similar. Also, the causes of hair loss in males and females differ. Thus, all products available within the market or recommended by dermatologists aren't suitable for men and women alike. Before you use any product for your hair loss treatment, ensure whether it's meant for the use of both men and women or either.

Find out the right procedure of application of treatment products on the scalp, and the time for which those should be left on the scalp. Some treatments require that the product be left on overnight, while others might need these to be washed off within an hour or thirty minutes.

You should also determine how long the treatment should be continued, and whether to prevent the treatment once the hair loss is countered. Often, when the treatment is discontinued, hair starts to fall again.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. If you have any doubt on hair loss, hair fall you can visit us at Hair Loss Treatment Bangalore.

Monday 11 May 2020

Hair Transplant Cost - What Does A Transplant Really Cost?

Wondering about your hair transplant cost? Hair transplant surgery cost will depend on how many grafts you want and location so there isn't a set price for everybody.

However, this article will lay out the factors involved in determining the price, so you'll get a much better idea of what kind of cost you'll be looking at.

Factors that determine hair transplant cost:

1 Kind of Surgery

There are two different kinds of transplant surgery - the FUT or the FUE. The FUT (follicular unit transplantation) is the more common sort of surgery where a strip is cut from the back of your head and the hairs are harvested from this strip.

The advantage is that you can get a lot of grafts done per session this manner - so results are often dramatic. This is the most affordable kind of surgery.

The FUE (follicular unit extraction) is a newer sort of transplant that not all doctors will do. It involves harvesting individual hairs from the back of your head and transplanting them into balding areas (this may be a less invasive kind of surgery).

This is much more labor-intensive - therefore the price per graft is going to be higher. I've seen it's almost double the price per graft of a FUT surgery in some cases. Need to know more about Follicular Unit Extraction then visit FUE Hair Transplant Center Bangalore.

2 Number of Grafts you would like

This again will vary with the person and your surgeon can offer you an idea of how many grafts you will need. If you're just starting to go thin on top, you'll probably get away with 800-1000 grafts.

But if you're seriously thin or balding, you'll want to do 2000+ grafts. Since hair transplant costs are usually estimated at price per graft, if you would like more grafts you will be paying more for your transplant.

3 The skill of Your Surgeon

The best surgeons will charge more - that's just the way it's. They can because they're the best and in high demand.

So if you go with a world-famous hair transplant surgeon, you'll probably be paying a couple of cents more per graft than if you go to the discount transplant guys down the road.

However, this is one area where you don't need to skimp. I'd recommend you find the absolute best surgeon you'll. He's more likely to offer you a more natural look and be up-to-date on the latest transplant methods. This is, after all, something you will be living with for the rest of your life.

4 Number of Sessions you will need

Most guys only do one session. However, if you're completely bald and you want to see a dramatic change, you'll need a couple of sessions. This suggests more of the surgeon's time then the value will go up.

So those are some things that factor into the price. For many guys, they feel it’s well worth the investment since a transplant can offer you back your own naturally growing hair. But take some time, do your research and ensure this is the right decision for you.

Pioneer Advanced Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. Get the best hair transplant with latest techniques at reasonable price.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Best Hair Loss Solutions

So many people are experiencing some sort of hair loss, and it strikes both men and women! What are the best solutions for this common problem? The answers fall under three categories.

1. Medications-There are two popular medications available, and both are proven to prevent hair from thinning and re-grow what has been lost! Minoxidil (the active ingredient within the "Rogaine" brand) is an over-the-counter hair growth treatment that's approved for both men and women. it had been originally developed as a high vital sign medication; thicker, darker bodily hair was discovered as a side effect, and therefore the medication was marketed as a hair growth treatment. The treatment for men contains a 5% concentration of minoxidil, and therefore the women's version contains a 2% concentration. Considering its original intention, it's wise to consult a doctor if you're currently taking vital sign medication and would like to use Minoxidil. Also not surprising, minoxidil can thicken and darken hair in places aside from just on the scalp-a side effect which will become troubling.

Finasteride (also known by the name Propecia) is the second proven hair re-growth treatment currently available. It’s a prescription medication that was approved by the FDA in 1997. While it's best at preventing loss and creating new growth within the crown area, it can even work on the hairline. There are two main concerns with the finasteride. First, it's not generally approved for women since it's proven to cause birth defects in male fetuses. Second, it can cause sexual dysfunction in male patients. Some men taking finasteride have found that reducing the dosage has eliminated side effects.

2. Surgeries-Hair transplant surgery is becoming more and more common, as well as looking more and more natural. During this procedure, hair follicles are far away from an area of the scalp (or body, in some cases). The follicles are harvested either individually in the "Follicular Unit Extraction" (or FUE) method or during a strip. The follicles on donor strips are placed in the thin or bald spot. If the follicles are healed, new hair growth inside the region will come in. This is a solution; however, the value of the procedure is a downside. Priced between $3 and $8 per graft, you'll have an entire head of hair transplanted, but the expense will rival a car purchase.

3. Cosmetics-These are easily the simplest, most affordable hair loss solutions. This category includes "Hair Replacement" (a newer term for wigs and toupees) also as hair thickeners, scalp concealers, and natural fiber sprays. Any of those products will offer you the design of a full head of hair-restoring your confidence without any side effects!

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. If you have any doubt on hair loss, hair fall you can visit us at FUE Hair Transplant Center Bangalore.

Thursday 30 April 2020

Hair Fall Treatment: You’re Options for Treating Hair Loss

Are you searching for hair fall treatment? You’ll be pleased to hear that there are some hair fall treatments available at Hair Loss Treatment Bangalore.

Loss of hair can occur for several reasons; hair fall is most likely to occur in women but can affect many men. With men, it's more likely to be hereditary baldness. In women, however, it's going to be a problem that happens on and off throughout our lives.

Hair fall treatment is becoming more available worldwide, in the past, there have been no effective treatments. Your doctor will be able to advise you on any medical treatments, but you'll find treatments available in any pharmacy or drugstore.

Losing your hair is often a nightmare, from blocked sinkholes to stray hairs everywhere. Many of us feel distressed at the rate in which hair falls out. It’s most likely due to hormonal changes. If you're worried see your doctor for advice.

These hair fall treatments may include;

Minoxidil, this treatment is out there without a prescription. It’s applied to the head as a lotion, this treatment maximizes hair weight and increases the number of hair strands during growth. This treatment is affordable and effective although it does have significant side effects like dandruff, itchy, and flaky scalp.

Finasteride, this treatment is meant to be used on men only. Side effects are possible and that they include problems in getting an erection and possible decrease of sexual drive. Saw palmetto, this is an herbal substance said to stop hair loss and promote healthy strong hair growth.

Hair implants, expensive surgery to implant healthy hair follicles in the affected region, having to be performed at least 10 times over the entire lifespan. Wigs or toupees, these are more advanced than previously known in the past. They will be made from real or synthetic hair and appearance very just like the real thing. Laser combs, laser light is claimed to stimulate hair follicles leading to healthy growth.

Hair loss treatment should be chosen to fit your specific needs. If the hair loss is mild then you'll not need a wig or surgery, a lotion is also more suited to your needs. You can try and prevent hair fall by making healthy changes to your diet, you'll also consider a supplement. Many supplements prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair.

Everybody will lose between 50 - 100 hairs daily; this is often considered to be normal. If your hair loss is severe then the action is required. Speak with your doctor about any medications which can help. Try to maintain a diet and exercise regularly, more importantly, try to stay relaxed. Being stressed can often increase hair fall, if this is a serious problem for you then you ought to consider visiting a counselor.

Treatment for hair fall can benefit those with mild to severe hair loss. If after prolonged use of a hair loss treatment you do not notice any changes, you ought to seek advice from your doctor. He could also be ready to suggest a suitable replacement treatment.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. Get the best hair transplant center with latest techniques.

Thursday 23 April 2020

Hair Loss Treatment for Hair Loss

Hair loss is characterized as the loss of hair from some parts of the head. The reason for hair loss is also a direct result of an innate condition like male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness. In the event of men, it can prompt baldness and for women, it can prompt diminution of hair. Transitory male pattern baldness can likewise be a consequence of certain prescriptions or medications like chemotherapy. Tragically, there are not any solid male pattern baldness medications for these cases.

While hairlessness can be all the more probable Androgenic Alopecia; balding, however, has various reasons. It is often due to your eating methodology, lifestyle, pill, and reasons which you may avert.

What is Hair Transplantation?

It is a surgery that guarantees to restore the hair on an uncovered scalp with anybody of the restoration techniques that's clinically proven to yield a strong and long-lasting result. This surgery could be performed on for the foremost part of the scalp, and then it can likewise be performed on eyebrows and chest. Need to know more about hair transplantation then visit Best Hair Transplant Bangalore.

Present-day hair restoration surgery is performed under two strategies:

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):- it's a minimally invasive surgery. For this, a segment of skin holding hair follicles is trimmed from the patients back part of the scalp referred to as 'benefactor range' and transplanted into the uncovered zone referred to as the 'beneficiary region'.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):- during this surgery singular hair follicular units are concentrated from the benefactor zone utilizing mechanical and computerized gadgets like punch and forceps. this is often a long and strenuous technique. Subsequently, it could take quite one session to accomplish the fancied result. It leaves the patient with negligible scarring because the hair follicles are concentrated exclusively.

The surgeries are led to an outpatient premise, under local anesthesia, that generally happens at morning movements and one sitting might be between 4-7 hours in length as indicated by the size and system of the surgery.

Hair Transplant Surgery for Women

A hair transplant surgery for women applies a similar methodology concerning men yet what separates a hair transplant surgery for women is by means and application of the procedure.

Women's hair loss is diffuse and selecting the right androgen safe donor site from the influenced one even in the back and sides of the scalp is testing employment for the hair transplant specialist, which is for the most part far less demanding in the event of men. The hair which is thick now could be in the line to close in the end. Also, if the apparent giver, hair isn't immune to baldness, then reasonable chances are that over time the restored hair follicles would tumble off, bringing with it even the slight layer of the hair from the beneficiary site.

A hair transplant expense is most likely one-time financing with the sure-shot result which will enhance your hair thickness no matter the very fact that you discover your results not a similar as your desires. For a hair transplant, Bangalore is one of the best places to look for a hair transplant specialist and the surgery at FUE Hair Transplant Center Bangalore.

Tuesday 17 March 2020

What Do You Know About Female Hair Transplant?

When it comes to hair transplants, male transplants are more common than female transplants. This is often perhaps because hair loss is more common in men than in women. Hair loss in a woman in many of our societies is an unattractive feature against baldness in a man. It’s thus not surprising that women experiencing hair loss or baldness suffer from low esteem and embarrassment. Female hair transplant is, therefore, a welcome relief for several women.

Hair transplant procedures have come a long way since the 1970s. Today, new technology together with faster, improved surgical methods is making female hair transplants popular with many women. It is, however, necessary to means that this sort of treatment isn't for all women experiencing hair loss. It’s mainly recommended for ladies with female-pattern baldness, a genetic condition, also medically mentioned as androgenetic alopecia. Although this disorder is also present in men, the form of balding is different between the two sexes. For women, hair loss tends to diffuse thinly (gradual hair loss which will cause a "see-through" scalp). This loss is limited as compared to that experienced by a person, which is more extensive. Even then, the correct female candidate has got to have a sufficient donor area from which to take the hair follicles. It’s also worth noting that there are various causes for hair loss. They include iron deficiencies, thyroid abnormalities, autoimmune diseases, and even childbirth. However, the foremost common cause is hereditary.

Once it's been determined a woman is eligible for a female hair transplant, the doctor proceeds to perform the procedure. He takes some strip of skin from the "donor site" (often this is the back of her scalp where there's a dense amount of hair). This strip is then redistributed to the varied parts of the head, front, and top where balding has occurred.

The transplant procedure may often be done quite once. Regrowth of hair in the grafted areas also takes time and hair doesn't necessarily grow back because it was originally. For women, however, because of their long hair, the scalp is covered with a good spread of natural hair within a few months.

Many hair loss treatments include hormone therapy, flap operation, skin expansion, scalp reduction, and laser operation. There are non-operative methods. Generally, the costs of treating baldness don't come cheap. Given the advances made, hair transplantation is a costly process. The sessions are labor-intensive and need the expertise of a specialized surgeon or dermatologist.

Also, only a few hair transplant clinics perform a female hair transplant. Few of them advertise transplants for women. Nevertheless, women that suffer extensive hair loss welcome this procedure because of the last opportunity to regain, despite all the chances, the dignity, and pride that nature may have robbed them within the past.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. They provide hair solution for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment at Hair Transplant JP Nagar.

Wednesday 11 March 2020

What Should You Know Before Starting Hair Fall Treatment

There is hardly any doubt in the statement that ' hair loss is a curse for men. ‘Lots of men all over the world search for different ways which will help them to re-grow hair on their bald scalp.

Discovering various kinds of balding solutions that work is often quite difficult, but there are still a few reliable methods that will deliver effective and long-lasting results. How well these treatments help together with your problem will depend on the kind of balding you've got and how much your scalp reacts to the various treatments. If you are worried about hair then visit Best Hair Transplant Bangalore.

Are you also dealing with hair loss issues and searching for an efficient solution? Are you confused about the kind of hair treatment that you should get? To disperse off all the confusion... here are a few tips and suggestions only for you.

Find a hair loss treatment center with an excellent reputation

It a good idea to put in some time and energy into finding a hair transplant center that features vast experience in delivering effective solutions for baldness. Here are a couple of points you would like to keep in mind while checking out a reputable hair treatment clinic:

1. The surgeon who'll be performing the treatment must be qualified and must have significant experience during this particular field.

2. The clinic must possess all the essential facilities required for such cosmetic medical treatment.

3. The clinic has to have professionals and other medical facilities experienced.

Know Your Expectations

Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to reverse your baldness problem, if the problem is hereditary. You would like to deal cautiously with clinics that provide a full head transplant quickly. Hair transplants are undoubtedly a standout among the best sorts of treatment because it offers permanent results. However, this treatment is often delivered only by the best-qualified surgeon and visiting an inexperienced surgeon would be a great mistake that you might regret all of your life.

The rate of success also depends on the sort and quality of the donor's hair. In some rare cases, the balding process might continue even after the surgery, so you would like to be extra careful while choosing the hair transplant surgeon. This is often why it's completely essential that you simply must be aware of your desires and expectations before any treatment. This will be accomplished by having a full and open consultation with your chosen surgeon.

An experienced surgeon should listen to your needs and help resolve any problems. He will likewise give totally clear and reliable information which will assist you to make a final judgment.

Invest time and effort to find the hair loss treatments

A lot of individuals, who are confused while finding the most ideal hair fall solution, often choose a kind of treatment that will not suit their way of life or requirements. A reputed clinic will never put pressure on you to form a quick decision.

Remember, getting treatment is often a life-changing decision and it's worth taking time to analyze, consider and determine the varied options available. While transplants are a renowned treatment for hair loss cases, there are different treatments available also, although none is as successful as a transplant treatment.

Your Decision is the Final One

Remember, no matter how many consultations you've got with the surgeon, the final decision of getting the surgery will always depend upon you only. A renowned cosmetic clinic knows that the decision to require any course of treatment is your choice and yours alone. You need to never feel under strain or committed to choose an on-the-spot choice or get treatment without completely understanding its ramifications. Honestly, a reliable hair transplant clinic would guide you in the best possible manner before, during and after the procedure!

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the best Hair Transplant Marathahalli. They provide hair solution for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment.

Thursday 5 March 2020

FUE Hair Transplant Center in Bangalore

Is losing your hair driving you nuts? Are you frightened of becoming bald because of excessive hair loss? If yes, it’s time to go to a Trichologist near you that is Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. It’s quite common for people to shed some hair a day. But if this becomes a daily feature and the amount increases over time then it's a sign of impending baldness. Headgears, wigs, or hairpieces – are you finished all these options to cover your balding?

If you're still trying to find a permanent solution, HAIR TRANSPLANTATION can be the solution.

At Pioneer Hair Transplant Center, we provide the best solution for hair loss in the kind of a transplant with satisfying experience and results. Our advanced and innovative techniques deliver the results you've been looking for. At FUE Hair Transplant Center Bangalore, we offer hair transplantation i.e., extracting hair from other parts of the body just like the beard and chest area and transplanting them on the scalp.

Planning FUE Hair Transplant Treatments

The procedure for FUE hair transplant starts with counseling. The patient has got to attend counseling and hair drawing session before the procedure begins. The team of experienced hair transplant doctors then suggests some medicines for the patient to administer within the following days before the procedure. Meanwhile, the patient can complete his/her paperwork also.

On the day of the procedure, the patient has got to undergo certain hypersensitivity tests and all the vitals are monitored. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia. The scalp of the patient is formed numb so that he/she won't feel any kind of pain. Then, the areas from which the hair follicles are to be extracted are marked. This depends on several factors like natural growth density, angulations of hair follicles, and orientation of hair shaft. After the world is chosen, the grafts are then removed from the world during a group of two to four hairs one by one. It’s done with the help of a micro punch.

The extracted hair follicles are then placed on the specified site. The graft is checked again to make sure that everything is completed properly then the world is closed. The patient has to take some medications after the procedure.

The chance of long-term nerve damage which results in chronic numbness or pain in the donor’s area is significantly reduced. After the (FUE) Follicular Unit Extraction Treatment, you'll have a natural hairline with a thicker hair head. the best part about hair loss treatments is that it doesn't produce any plugs after the treatment, therefore the hair looks completely natural.

But for the donor, the whole donor area must be shaved which is the whole side and on the back of the scalp. Another problem regarding FUE is that the transected grafts are more fragile because it doesn't contain much of the protective dermis and fat. FUE is even a blind procedure because the machine cannot see through the skin to detect the location of the hair bulb.

However, by the FUE method, the follicles are harvested for a way bigger area of the donor’s site as compared to the opposite method FUT Hair Transplant where it's estimated to be eight times greater than that of the ancient strip method excision. So for this method, the patient must choose a reputed, well-experienced surgeon to perform the hair implant service properly. The patient must consider the benefits and drawbacks of the method and may even consult a specialist for better advice. FUE and FUT are different procedures that address different problems differently than the procedure which works the best for you want to be chosen.

Get FUE Hair Transplant at Pioneer Hair Transplant Center

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is a leading Hair Loss Treatment Bangalore. The clinic is led by world-renowned hair transplant surgeons in India – Dr. Sreedhar Reddy. Injunction with other teams of celebrated physicians.

Sunday 16 February 2020

Do You Really Need Hair Transplantation?

At present, hair transplantation has become increasingly common. The increasing popularity is related to its rising success. Most of the people consider it because the safest way to hide the bald patches with natural-looking hair.

While considering this surgery, you must know that it's the last choice for people who are affected by severe hair loss. Generally, the problem is temporary and may be cured with natural remedies or slight changes in your lifestyle.

You will probably believe me if I say that shedding cannot be ignored and that we can't just sit idle and watch our crowning glory getting vanished day by day. If such is the case if you're in Bangalore and need to find out the best hair transplant center in your locality as early as possible then visit Best Hair Transplant Bangalore.

As the treatment is a bit expensive, therefore, before jumping to any conclusion, conclude why you would like to go for it.

This is the most important question which you must ask yourself before doing any research on the topic. Doctors think that it's normal to lose 100-150 strands of hair every day. So, you do not need to panic if you're shedding in that amount only.

But, sometimes, even this amount of loss matter especially if you've got fine hair.

In that case, instead of trying to find the best hair transplant center, you'll try the natural remedies. The process of restoration or transplantation is only successful in removing the bald patches, and it can not prevent hair loss.

You should know that even if the implantation is completed by using the baldness-resistant hair, the other hair surrounding the implantation will fall out initially as a result of shock loss. However, the implanted hair will remain there forever.

To know whether you got to restore your hair through restoration, you must twirl the shredded hair of a day around your two fingers. If it's quite the size of a ball, you'll get to undergo the surgery. Many folks believe that only men undergo the treatment. But, this belief has been completely debarred by a lot of experts. According to them, anyone, no matter the gender is eligible for the surgery, provided he or she should be fit medically and will have enough donor hair to attain the expected coverage.

Educate yourself about all the choices of restoring your hair. The surgery is usually wiped out two ways - FUE or FUT. Both of those methods are helpful and provide great results but FUE is more famous because it's scar less. If you would like more coverage, then FUE is best. It’ll offer you a natural appearance. Nobody could ever guess that you simply have undergone such treatment.

But, you can't decide which method is going to be the simplest for you. Consult your doctor. He will tell you which of the technique are going to be simpler by diagnosing your hair loss type. All you've got to try to do is to search for the simplest clinic and rest will depend upon the skill of your surgeon.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the best FUE Hair Transplant Center Bangalore. They provide hair solutions for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment at Hair Loss Treatment Bangalore.

Sunday 9 February 2020

Hair Transplant - 3 Types of Hair Transplantation Methods

Hair loss remains one of the first concerns of many people worldwide, especially men. It’s caused by various factors like hormonal changes, aging, family history, and trauma like burns. It usually is the case that the earlier hair loss starts, the more severe it'll become. Hair replacement surgery or hair transplantation is also a good choice to consider as a reconstructive treatment for baldness.

Hair transplantation involves taking certain bald-resistant sections of the scalp, and moving them to a bald area. Bald-resistant areas of the scalp are people who are found at the perimeters and the back of the head. These transplanted areas will generally grow hair throughout your life since they're proven to be genetically immune to becoming bald. The transplant would look more natural if only a couple of hairs are relocated per session. This is often because human hair grows in one to four strands of hair per grouping of the follicle.

In general, there are 3 kinds of hair transplantation methods.

1. Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS)

A strip of donor region hair is taken and inserted onto the thinning or balding area in this process. The donor region is then covered with sutures. It would take the world several days to recover. This procedure is best for average to extreme balding cases since it allows several grafts to be transplanted during a single session.

2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

This method is more recent than the first, and more common. Which occurs here is that the hair fibers are transplanted in groups of one to four from the back and sides of your head, since this is often how the hair grows naturally. Because it mimics how human hair grows, the procedure delivers results that look more natural. Another advantage that this procedure has over the other is that it doesn't involve major and deep cuttings. Thus the recovery time is shorter and there are fewer injuries that occur. To know more about the FUE hair transplant then visit FUE Hair Transplant Center Bangalore.

3. Scalp Reduction

This kind of hair transplant is never performed. The bald area is surgically removed and the hair-bearing scalp is stretched to exchange what has been removed. This method is very costly. It could also increase the chance of the tightening of the scalp, which might only lead to its thinning.

If you're considering having a hair transplantation procedure done, you must first understand that the coverage that you had before hair loss will never be brought back. What this surgery can do for you is to form your scalp achieve more fullness and cover the thinning areas. Moreover, it's important to understand that like other kind of surgery, hair transplantation carries with it several risks and complications. It’s possible that like in other transplant procedures, the skin may "die", thus requiring a repeat of the process. Also, small bumps may form on the scalp. Hair transplantation is generally safe when it's done by a professional doctor. Still, each case is unique and therefore the reaction to the transplant may differ from case to case. Ensure you understand the entire process before you think about undergoing it.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. They provide hair solution for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment.

Wednesday 5 February 2020

FUE Hair Transplant - The Pros and Cons of Follicular Unit Extraction

FUE hair transplant is also called follicular unit extraction. This is a relatively new method of hair transplantation that gives a less invasive means of harvesting hairs from the donor site. The fundamental technique is to use precision tools to harvest the hairs one follicle at a time, and then plant them into tiny slits within the balding areas. This varies from the method of follicular unit transplantation (FUT) where a strip of hair is removed from the donor region, and then the follicular units are extracted from the strip.

As with any medical treatment, the FUE hair transplant approach has both pros and cons. One obvious benefit to this method is that it doesn't leave a large scar on the donor area. That’s not to say that FUE is scar-free, but the scars that it does leave are much easier to hide. For several patients, this is an enormous deciding factor when choosing their desired method of transplantation. Another benefit of this technique is that it's much less invasive than other methods. Typically patients can resume strenuous activity shortly after surgery, and healing takes place very quickly.

One of the disadvantages of the FUE method is that it's easier to break the follicles upon extraction, and thus the method is less efficient than FUT. the reason for this is because a little cylindrical punch is used to separate the hair and surrounding tissue from the scalp. If the punch isn't aligned perfectly, it can stop rock bottom of the follicle because it punches the area out. It damages the hair and weakens its survival chances. Another disadvantage is that the whole donor area must be shaved before the procedure. For a few people, this is often a serious issue, and for others, it's not a serious problem.

The hair transplant process FUE is usually less effective than FUT. it's far more difficult to harvest an adequate amount of hair for large procedures. The surgery typically takes for much longer and is, therefore, costlier than other methods. With that said, many patients still prefer this method because they're not willing to possess a large scar on the back or side of their head. In certain cases, the pros can outweigh the cons.

Typically an FUE procedure is suggested for people who don't require a large amount of labor. This is often usually a younger client who should be considering the possibility of shaving their hair short at a while in the future. The advantage of having much less noticeable scars is a major factor in the choice of hair transplant techniques. Like most medical situations, each case is different and much be evaluated separately.

If you're considering an FUE hair transplant it might know contact one of the doctors who perform this procedure to discuss it with them directly. Many of those professionals can even make an assessment of your hair over the internet. All you've got to do is send them some pictures and that they will allow you to know if you're a good candidate for FUE.

If you are interested in learning more about Hair Transplants please click here Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. Learn about all of the costs and benefits of FUE (follicular unit extraction) as opposed to other methods of hair restoration at FUE Hair Transplant Center Bangalore.

Tuesday 28 January 2020

Best Hair Transplant - Find Out Which Method Is Right For Your Hair Loss Situation

The best hair transplant technique is a matter of medical controversy. There are essentially two different methods that dominate today's hair transplant world. They’re the follicular unit transplant technique (FUT), and the follicular unit extraction technique (FUE). Each doctor will likely offer you a special opinion and can have different reasons for choosing one among these methods over the other. Here we'll discuss the differences so that you'll decide for yourself which one It could be the best for you.

FUT is an older method of transplantation during which a strip of excellent hair is harvested from the back of the head, and the dissected into the individual follicular units. Instead, those units can be transplanted to the balding areas. The donor area is then stitched closed and takes a couple of weeks to heal up. There’ll be a permanent scar, but it is often covered up by the hair around it.

FUE is a newer procedure that harvests the follicles directly from the head, one by one. This is often achieved by using a small punch tool that removes the follicle from the head. Once an adequate amount of grafts are removed, they're then inserted into tiny slits within the balding area. There’s no large scar left by this procedure, but there are also very small scars where the punch tool extracted the follicles from.

As far as which of those methods is the best hair transplant procedure goes, it depends on your needs. If you do not need a large scar on the rear of your head then FUE could be the proper choice for you. This method is also preferable for people with very tight skin on their scalp because when some skin is removed, the strip procedure will tighten the scalp even more.

The FUT procedure is usually preferable for people that require a lot of work. This is often because it's generally more efficient, and more hairs survive the transplant. It also takes less time to do a FUT so it's usually less costly than FUE. The reason FUE is less efficient is that the punching tool can inadvertently damage the follicle, which may weaken the chances of the follicle surviving.

If you want to understand about the best hair transplant procedure for you, I would recommend calling or emailing a doctor who focuses on the practice. a quick consultation will allow them to assess your hair and determine exactly which method is ideal for your situation. Ensure that you simply do your research and find a doctor that's highly recommended by previous patients.

Whether you choose FUE or FUT, you're choosing the best method to battle baldness. Transplantation is that the only way to permanently fix the matter of balding, but it's a huge investment. Doing all of your research and making some phone calls will assist you to put your mind comfortable, and know that you have chosen the best hair transplant method.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center has 10+ years of experience in baldness treatment and Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. They provide hair solution for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment at Hair Loss Treatment Bangalore.