Tuesday 14 May 2019

Hair Loss Reasons You Should Know About

Have you recently noticed a lot of hair falling and you're unknown to the reason? There’s nothing to panic nowadays with advanced technology in medical science even bald people are cured through hair transplant surgery or hair replacement procedure or through medication, but before you choose out any of those hair restoration choices, let us discuss few of the very common reasons that trigger hair fall. Doesn’t panic about your hair loss just visit Best HairTransplant Bangalore? We are here to help you.

Hair Loss Reasons

Stress or Illness: If you recently been through any physical or emotional stress or a chronic illness, this will trigger a fast hair fall. Stress like financial crises, family issues, an accident or anything. This sudden Stress or illness pushes your hairs in the last part that is shedding. But there's nothing that you need to do here as your hairs can grow again once the stress or illness part is over.

Pregnancy for Women: You may experience a small amount of hair loss during your pregnancy phase, but you may experience serious hair shedding after you give birth to your baby. But there's nothing that you got to do here your hairs can grow within a few months.

Vitamin A: Anything that's consumed in access will be harmful, same goes with vitamin A, if you consume an everyday dose of vitamin A more than your body needs, you'll experience hair shedding. To stop this, just avoid the consumption of vitamin A.

Protein Deficiency: If you do not supply a proper amount of protein to your body. You’ll experience heavy to medium hair shedding after 2 to 3 months of regular protein deficiency. Hair loss due to protein deficiency will be restored by as well as sources of protein in your diet.

Hormonal Imbalance Because of Medication: This happens when you are taking any supplements or medicine to stimulate or restore hormones, say for treating infertility. This hormonal change in your body may also trigger hair loss. If you're consuming any such medicine or supplement that trigger hormonal imbalance, check with your doctor straight away and ask him to change your supplement or medicine, this may resolve your hair loss drawback.

Anemia Deficiency: Deficiency of iron within the body will trigger hair loss; different symptoms of anemia include pale skin, cold leg, and hands, fatigue, headache. Your doctor can conduct a blood test to verify any such issue and to resolve it he can offer your iron supplements to be consumed orally.

Vitamin B Deficiency: Deficiency of vitamin B in the body may also trigger hair loss. To resolve these, diet those are rich in vitamin B.

Sudden Weight Loss: If you recently joined some weight loss program and achieved success in losing a lot of weight very quickly, well congratulation for your weight loss, but sudden weight loss could be a physical trauma for your body which will trigger heavy hair shedding. To resolve any such issue it's suggested to ask your instructor, to prepare a diet plan that's rich in protein and can full fill the deficiency, although your body can take nearly six months to restore it normally.

Before going for any decision keep eye on these guidelines for a smooth permanent hair transplant. Dr. Sreedhar Reddy is the Best Hair Transplant Clinic Bangalore. He has got 11 years of experience in this industry. If you have any issues on hair loss, you can consult him.

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