Wednesday 27 May 2020

Male Pattern Baldness and its Causes

Male pattern baldness is maybe one of the greatest problems faced by men who are already in the advanced aging process. According to some research, age isn't a big factor that causes male pattern baldness because several cases involved younger individuals. However, this condition is very evident among men aged sixty and up.

It is said that the quantity of androgen in the body features a lot to do with male pattern baldness. This hormone is responsible for the normal development of men. Researchers agree that hormones aren't only the most reason for the condition. Certain conditions cause male pattern baldness like metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, high vital sign, prostate cancer, and heart diseases. Androgen directly affects the lower levels of fertility and hair loss among men.

DHT or dihydrotestosterone is considered an androgen and at a similar time a potent testosterone form. When the body converts testosterone, DHT is made. An enzyme helps in the conversion of testosterone and that is termed 5-alpha reductase. Androgen, testosterone, and also the enzyme are directly related to one another and together they cause hair loss. By using products called DHT inhibitors, hair loss, or male pattern baldness are often prevented. These products address the root cause of male pattern baldness but you ought to be warned that the consequences of those products aren't the same throughout. It going to work for a few individuals but won't be as effective for others.

Male pattern baldness is also believed to be genetic in nature. You’ll easily tell if you've got male pattern baldness if you experience crown baldness, bald patches, and worst, overall baldness. There are a lot of treatments and hair loss products available within the market today. However, by determining the important cause of male pattern baldness, your doctor can prescribe the right treatment suited to your condition.

If either side of the family has histories of male pattern baldness, there's a greater chance for male members to possess the condition. There is no known cure for male pattern baldness so if you are not comfortable seeing your hair disappear, you'll use pills, topical treatments, and even undergo surgery to re-grow your hair.

The causes of male baldness appear to be genetics, hormones and lifestyle. Well, whatever the cause is, you must be able to deal with things. Male pattern baldness should be accepted by the individual because it’s there to remain. Even if you try using hair loss products, time will come when the consequences of male pattern baldness will become visible to people. Therefore the best way is to live together with your condition and never lose your self-worth. If you are feeling good about yourself despite your baldness, people will feel the same way.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. They provide hair solution for all types of hair problems and you will get advanced hair treatment and consultation for hair growth treatment at Hair Transplant in Jayanagar.

Thursday 21 May 2020

Identifying the Best Hair Loss Treatment for You

Hair loss has become a really common and widespread issue. As a result, the amount of hair loss treatment s that is available in the market is increasing day by day. Several different types of hair loss treatments are being sold in the market and being prescribed by medical practitioners also. To identify which hair loss treatment will suit you best, you would like to find out as much about the procedures and products as you'll before you begin off with the treatment.

Before you start the therapeutic course, ensure whether the treatment will produce desirable results. Determine possible side effects, if any. Ask people who have previously used this method of treatment about their experience. Customer feedback is a vital source of data for the efficacy of any product or treatment method. Ensure that the treatment won't cause a sheer waste of your time and money, and leave you faraway from satisfied.

The side effects which may be involved in any hair loss treatment must be properly understood. What may convince be highly beneficial for your friend, might not suit you at all? Every person has different skin and scalp sensitivities and tolerance levels. You’ll be allergic to some chemicals or natural ingredients also. To thwart further harm to your already damaged hair and scalp, make sure to thoroughly understand the ingredients used in the treatment you've got chosen and find out if you've got hypersensitivity to any of these.

Hair growth and quality of hair on the scalps of men and women aren't similar. Also, the causes of hair loss in males and females differ. Thus, all products available within the market or recommended by dermatologists aren't suitable for men and women alike. Before you use any product for your hair loss treatment, ensure whether it's meant for the use of both men and women or either.

Find out the right procedure of application of treatment products on the scalp, and the time for which those should be left on the scalp. Some treatments require that the product be left on overnight, while others might need these to be washed off within an hour or thirty minutes.

You should also determine how long the treatment should be continued, and whether to prevent the treatment once the hair loss is countered. Often, when the treatment is discontinued, hair starts to fall again.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. If you have any doubt on hair loss, hair fall you can visit us at Hair Loss Treatment Bangalore.

Monday 11 May 2020

Hair Transplant Cost - What Does A Transplant Really Cost?

Wondering about your hair transplant cost? Hair transplant surgery cost will depend on how many grafts you want and location so there isn't a set price for everybody.

However, this article will lay out the factors involved in determining the price, so you'll get a much better idea of what kind of cost you'll be looking at.

Factors that determine hair transplant cost:

1 Kind of Surgery

There are two different kinds of transplant surgery - the FUT or the FUE. The FUT (follicular unit transplantation) is the more common sort of surgery where a strip is cut from the back of your head and the hairs are harvested from this strip.

The advantage is that you can get a lot of grafts done per session this manner - so results are often dramatic. This is the most affordable kind of surgery.

The FUE (follicular unit extraction) is a newer sort of transplant that not all doctors will do. It involves harvesting individual hairs from the back of your head and transplanting them into balding areas (this may be a less invasive kind of surgery).

This is much more labor-intensive - therefore the price per graft is going to be higher. I've seen it's almost double the price per graft of a FUT surgery in some cases. Need to know more about Follicular Unit Extraction then visit FUE Hair Transplant Center Bangalore.

2 Number of Grafts you would like

This again will vary with the person and your surgeon can offer you an idea of how many grafts you will need. If you're just starting to go thin on top, you'll probably get away with 800-1000 grafts.

But if you're seriously thin or balding, you'll want to do 2000+ grafts. Since hair transplant costs are usually estimated at price per graft, if you would like more grafts you will be paying more for your transplant.

3 The skill of Your Surgeon

The best surgeons will charge more - that's just the way it's. They can because they're the best and in high demand.

So if you go with a world-famous hair transplant surgeon, you'll probably be paying a couple of cents more per graft than if you go to the discount transplant guys down the road.

However, this is one area where you don't need to skimp. I'd recommend you find the absolute best surgeon you'll. He's more likely to offer you a more natural look and be up-to-date on the latest transplant methods. This is, after all, something you will be living with for the rest of your life.

4 Number of Sessions you will need

Most guys only do one session. However, if you're completely bald and you want to see a dramatic change, you'll need a couple of sessions. This suggests more of the surgeon's time then the value will go up.

So those are some things that factor into the price. For many guys, they feel it’s well worth the investment since a transplant can offer you back your own naturally growing hair. But take some time, do your research and ensure this is the right decision for you.

Pioneer Advanced Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. Get the best hair transplant with latest techniques at reasonable price.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Best Hair Loss Solutions

So many people are experiencing some sort of hair loss, and it strikes both men and women! What are the best solutions for this common problem? The answers fall under three categories.

1. Medications-There are two popular medications available, and both are proven to prevent hair from thinning and re-grow what has been lost! Minoxidil (the active ingredient within the "Rogaine" brand) is an over-the-counter hair growth treatment that's approved for both men and women. it had been originally developed as a high vital sign medication; thicker, darker bodily hair was discovered as a side effect, and therefore the medication was marketed as a hair growth treatment. The treatment for men contains a 5% concentration of minoxidil, and therefore the women's version contains a 2% concentration. Considering its original intention, it's wise to consult a doctor if you're currently taking vital sign medication and would like to use Minoxidil. Also not surprising, minoxidil can thicken and darken hair in places aside from just on the scalp-a side effect which will become troubling.

Finasteride (also known by the name Propecia) is the second proven hair re-growth treatment currently available. It’s a prescription medication that was approved by the FDA in 1997. While it's best at preventing loss and creating new growth within the crown area, it can even work on the hairline. There are two main concerns with the finasteride. First, it's not generally approved for women since it's proven to cause birth defects in male fetuses. Second, it can cause sexual dysfunction in male patients. Some men taking finasteride have found that reducing the dosage has eliminated side effects.

2. Surgeries-Hair transplant surgery is becoming more and more common, as well as looking more and more natural. During this procedure, hair follicles are far away from an area of the scalp (or body, in some cases). The follicles are harvested either individually in the "Follicular Unit Extraction" (or FUE) method or during a strip. The follicles on donor strips are placed in the thin or bald spot. If the follicles are healed, new hair growth inside the region will come in. This is a solution; however, the value of the procedure is a downside. Priced between $3 and $8 per graft, you'll have an entire head of hair transplanted, but the expense will rival a car purchase.

3. Cosmetics-These are easily the simplest, most affordable hair loss solutions. This category includes "Hair Replacement" (a newer term for wigs and toupees) also as hair thickeners, scalp concealers, and natural fiber sprays. Any of those products will offer you the design of a full head of hair-restoring your confidence without any side effects!

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center is the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. If you have any doubt on hair loss, hair fall you can visit us at FUE Hair Transplant Center Bangalore.